Admin Panel: Login to Admin Panel
Admin Panel Login: | 1234
User Panel:
User Panel Login: | 1234
Seller Panel: Login to Seller Panel
Seller Panel Login: | 1234
Delivery Man Dashboard: Login to Seller Panel
Seller Panel Login: | 1234
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System is complete eCommerce solution for your online eCommerce Business. We have bring all the required functions or options which needed in a business. This Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System can be use as a Single Vendor eCommerce System as well. With a robast admin panel and its facilities Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System became complete business solution.
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System Key Features:
- Laravel 8 is used as language
- NextJS frame work
- User friendly codes and easy to navigate
- Eye-catching and fully responsive design
- Strong security of codes
- Search product by category, sub-category, child-category, brand, product variant or custom name
- Ajax product load
- Subscription verify with email
- Product variant option
- Variant wise product price
- Google analytics
- Facebook pixel
- Google reCaptcha
- Coupon management
- Product Wishlist
- Product compare
- Flash deal
- Campaign offer
- Shipping module
- Announcement system
- Maintenance module
- Multi Vendor System
- RTL Supported
- Tawk live chat
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System PAYMENT METHODS:
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- Flutterwave
- Mollie
- Paystack
- Instamojo
- Cash on delivery
- Bank Payment
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System ADMIN FEATURES:
- 100% secure admin panel
- Category, Sub-Category, Child-Category management
- Brand management
- Product management
- Seller Product management
- Product variant management
- Campaign product management
- Flash deal product management
- Product reviews management
- Product report management
- Country, state and city management
- Coupon management
- Shipping management
- Payment method management
- Advertisement management
- Seller payment withdraw management
- Withdraw method management
- Customer management
- Seller management
- Admin management
- SEO Settings for all pages
- Slider management
- Home page management
- Menu visibility management
- Service management
- Maintainace mode management
- Announcement modal management
- Mega menu management
- Dynamic website footer
- SMTP server mail
- Email configuration and template setting
- Cookie Consent option
- Google Recaptcha option
- Google Analytic option
- Tawk Live Chat option
- Facebook pixel option
- Manage HTTP request Error Page
- General Setting management
- Dynamic Pagination option
- Multi admin creation possible
- All Banner images change option
- Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
- Manage Theme Color
- FAQ create, edit and delete option
- About Page management
- Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy Page management
- Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option
- Language change option for front end and back end with RTL Support
- Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
- Profile information, photo, password change option
- Forget and reset password option
- Blog Category create, edit and delete option
- Blog create, edit and delete option
- Manage Blog Comments
- Contact message management
- And more…
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System SELLER FEATURES:
- Manage shope profile and user proile
- Change password option
- Order log
- Product management
- Product variant management
- Product report log
- Product review log
- Manage withdraw request
- Withdraw log
- Real time chat system with customers
Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System Requirements:
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 7.3.0
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
Shopo – Multivendor eCommerce Flutter App Screens:
- 01_Splash
- 02_Onboarding 01
- 03_Onboarding 02
- 04_Onboarding 03
- 05_login
- 06_Creat account 01
- 07_Creat account 02
- 08_Email Verify
- 09_Location 01
- 10_Location 02
- 11_Location confirmation 03
- 12_Forget password 01
- 13_Forget password 02
- 14_Forget password 03
- 15_Home
- 16_Home with manu
- 17_Home with search result
- 18_Food/Fruit
- 19_Food/ Vegetable
- 20_Orange
- 21_Brocoli vegetable
- 22_Cart
- 23_Cart check out 01
- 24_Cart check out 02
- 25_Cart check out 03
- 26_Payment Details
- 27_Order summery for pickup
- 28_Delivery process
- 29_Tracking map
- 30_Offer list
- 31_Offer detail
- 32_Setting